Uploading files to a VPS or Dedicated Server
Author: admin admin Reference Number: AA-00286 Views: 13428 Created: 2013-03-25 12:24 Last Updated: 2013-03-25 12:24 0 Rating/ Voters

There are 2 recommended methods of uploading files to VPS/Dedicated servers:

WinSCP (for windows users only)

You can download WinSCP here:


To create a connection to your server in WinSCP:

1) Add your server IP address into the Hostname field

2) Set protocol to be SFTP (this works on port 22)

3) Enter root as your username

4) Enter your root password

SFTP (Using a normal FTP Client such as FileZilla)

Create a new connection in your FTP client:

1) Add your server IP address into the Hostname field

2) Set protocol to be SFTP (this works on port 22)

3) Enter root as your username

4) Enter your root password

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