IMPORTANT! Keep your sites safe!
Author: admin admin Reference Number: AA-00425 Views: 175377 Created: 2016-03-05 10:33 Last Updated: 2016-03-05 11:36 |
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Keeping your site and secure is paramount to us. To ensure this, we
have the very best security policies in place to ensure that our servers
are secure, thereby securing your sites from hacks from the server level.
However, to ensure that your site is completely safe, you would also
have to take some actions yourself.
As an illustration, imagine you have a bank account with Bank ABC and
also have an ATM card for this account. While the bank would definitely
have all the necessary security measures to protect your account, you
would be expected to keep your ATM and PIN safe at all times. If a third
party gains access to your ATM card and PIN, there really isn't much
the bank can do to protect your money and your account. The same applies
regarding your site. While we have security measure to protect your
site and files, you would also need to ensure that your application is
safe and secure at all time.
Below are some of the ways you can better secure your account.
- Ensure that you only use strong passwords for all your logins. Using
your username, date of birth or any word from a dictionary makes it
easier for hackers to guess your password. You may visit http://strongpasswordgenerator.com/ or other similar sites to generate very strong passwords.
- Always ensure that installed applications such as WordPress, Joomla,
etc are always updated at all times. Outdated applications usually have
security loopholes that hackers may take advantage of. Most
applications have You may visit http://codex.wordpress.org/Updating_WordPress and http://docs.joomla.org/Upgrading_from_an_existing_version to learn how to update WordPress and Joomla respectively.
- Always ensure that your plugins/extensions/modules are always
updated. Don't use any such application that you did not download from
an official source.
- Ensure that all written scripts use the latest methods to ensure that they cannot be easily taken advantage of.
- Never use admin as the username for your super admin. This makes it a lot easier as hackers only need to guess your password.
- If your admin login is in a directory, you may consider password
protecting that directory to add an extra layer of security. You may
visit http://docs.cpanel.net/twiki/bin/view/AllDocumentation/CpanelDocs/PasswordProtectDirectories to learn how to accomplish this on cPanel. Only use devices with
updated antivirus applications to login to your site. Malware infected
systems may send all your logins to an unknown attacker at a remote
- Never access your site using public Internet connections such as
cyber cafes, free wireless connections, etc. There may be a middle man
on the network intercepting your communication and stealing all your
login details.
- Add a SSL certificate for free to your site using the 'Lets Encrypt' option.
This would enable you login to your admin section via https, thereby
encrypting all communications between your browser and the server.
- Never give your login details to a third party. If you have, change them immediately. Keep local backups of your
site regularly. You may accompish this using the BackUp facility of cPanel or
using plugins/extensions/modules that your choice application may have.
- Additionally, you may follow the steps on http://codex.wordpress.org/Hardening_WordPress and http://www.siteground.com/tutorials/joomla/joomla-security.htm to learn how to better protect your WordPress and Joomla sites.
- Enable 'SiteLock' in your cPanel to block any file changes / uploads.
Following these and other relevant security steps would help keep
hackers away.