How to configure Virtualmin on first login
Author: admin admin Reference Number: AA-00435 Views: 39598 Created: 2016-11-30 16:45 Last Updated: 2016-12-02 13:12 0 Rating/ Voters

When you log in for the first time to the Virtualmin panel, it asks you to configure your server:

Note: if you didn't see the above wizard or you want to run the wizard again, you can run it from Virtualmin -> System Settings -> Re-run Install Wizard

1- Click on Next to start the wizard. 

2- Set Preload Virtualmin libraries?  to No and click next.

3- Set Run MySQL database server? to Yes and Run PostgreSQL database server? to No and click next

Set a strong RANDOM password in Set MySQL password to be set root password of your mysql server,  and click next

Hint: It's recommended to write down the above password and login to your VPS using SSH, then run the following commands to save the new password into the server:

echo -e "[mysql]\nuser=root\npassword=\"MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD\"" > /root/.my.cnf

chmod 600 /root/.my.cnf

Replace the blue part with the password that you wrote down in the above step. This will allow you to login to mysql client as root when using SSH later.

4-  In the MySQL database size step you should select a size less than your VPS memory e.g. select 256M if from the list if you've ordered Economy VPS plan which has 512M of memory, the rest of the memory will be used by other services running on your server including web server, ftp server, dns server, ...

5- In the fifth step you'll be asked to enter the primary and secondary name servers of your VPS. You should fill in the box with a domain that you're going to use as the main domain of the VPS i.e. if you own and you're going to set it as the main domain of your server, you should fill as the primary name server and as the secondary name server. You should also check in the page and click next.

Hint: You should now login to the panel of your domain and create two child name servers for and with the IP address of your server. If your domain is registered by us you can do that by going to your iFastnet Potal -> Domains -> My domains -> Click on your domain -> Click on Private Name servers and register ns1 and ns2 for your domain with your VPS IP address:

After registering your private name servers, click on Name servers and set the name servers of your domain name to your new private name servers and :

6- Set Password storage mode to Store plain-text passwords, you can also use  Only store hashed passwords  instead, click next

7- You'll see Virtualmin post-installation configuration is now complete! click on next and then Re-check and Refresh configuration so Virtualmin runs a general check on your server.

8- As the final step you should create a new virtual server (hosting account) for your main domain by clicking on Create Virtual Server on the left side of your Virtualmin panel. You should see your website online loading from your new VPS Server now.

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