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1 Can I setup custom name servers what are the ip addresses.

Yes you can setup custom nameservers, the IP addresses will be the IP addresses of the nameservers provided in your Account Information e-mail. You can find out the IP address of a server by opening a command prompt on your pc and typing: ping <servername>…

2 Change PHP version for a specific domain on a hosting account

If one domain / script on your hosting account required a different version of php never fear ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- To change to version 5.2 of php add the following to a .htaccess file in the folder where…

3 Changing php values (the easy way! )

Some scripts will need register_globals, more ram, and other 'unique' settings, we added a system to allow you to easily change your php settings without having to edit config files ! To change php values / directives easily simply log into your control panel,…

4 Changing PHP version (php 4.4 , 5.2 , 5.3 , 5.4 , 5.5 and 5.6 !!)

This Guide explains how to change the php version for ALL folders / sites on your hosting account, if you want to change a specific site to a different version of php please see this article : We have php 5.3 as the default version of php on our shared hosting…

5 Disable Magic Quotes

Please note on Premium Shared hosting all PHP options can be set using php.ini files. Magic Quotes is deprecated on 5.3 upwards. If you currently have an existing php.ini file you are using then to disable Magic Quotes please either add the following line…

6 Do I need my own domain name ?

You do not need to own your own domain name to open an account with us, all of our plans include a free domain or subdomain you can use to get started.

7 How to update php.ini settings

To update php.ini settings, you need to edit the .htaccess file inside the document root of your website and add the following code: suPHP_ConfigPath /home/USERNAME/public_html You should replace the blue part (USERNAME) with your cPanel username and the…

8 ImageMagick

ImageMagick is installed on all shared hosting premium services. The location of the ImageMagick binaries is /usr/bin/ eg /usr/bin/composite /usr/bin/convert ,etc.

9 My account has been hacked

If your account has been hacked you should upgrade all your PHP scripts to the most recent versions then check through the account, normally once compromised with a Remote File Inclusion the attacker will leave a shell script for easy access in the future.…

10 setting/altering php values / options

On premium hosting this is achieved by uploading a php.ini file to the folder the script exists in, and altering the php.ini file to the configuration you require. We have attached a default php.ini (with display_errors enabled) to this article, simply download…

11 sitebuilder help

The documentation for the sitebuilder is here : http://mysitebuilder.org/help/ Your site-builder username/password is your master cpanel username/password. please reset that in your control panel to gain access to the site-builder.

12 What are the name servers to use

Once you have registered an account with us you will receive an email including all of your account information, this will include your allocated nameservers to use. If you have any issues or questions regarding setting up your nameservers for your domain…

13 White Page (error 500) php error display_errors

On premium hosting if you experience a 500 error Internal Server Error or a white page displayed, please download the attached display_errors.php file (which enables php display_errors) , then upload the file to the folder where the script is located. Then…