On premium hosting if you experience a 500 error
Internal Server Error
or a white page displayed, please download the attached display_errors.php file (which enables php display_errors) , then upload the file to the folder where the script is located. Then browse to the display_errors.php file using your web browser, this will then enable php display_errors which should assist in debugging a php coding issue.
For example if http://mysite.com/forum was showing a 500 error, then you would upload the attached file to the /forum/ folder using FTP, then you would browse to http://mysite.com/forum/display_errors.php to enable display_errors, then you would re-browse to http://mysite.com/forum to see the php error !
A bad .htaccess file can also cause a 500 error, if enabling php display errors still shows a blank page or 500 error, then please check for a .htaccess file, and try renaming this file to .htold.